For more than 30 years, Americhip has been the leader in providing innovative, tech-enhanced solutions to global companies and their ad agencies. We are a creative studio, a lab, and a manufacturing plant all in one. We invented Video Brochures and Mailers nearly 15 years ago and continue to develop innovative solutions and partner with our trusted clients.
- 1989
- First lighted LED button
- 1991
- First audio business card
- 1993
- First audio magazine insert
- 1997
- First “Original Hits” musical greeting card
- 2008
- First self-recordable karaoke magazine insert
- 2009
- First video in print magazine insert
- First video direct mailer
- 2011
- First video trading card
- 2012
- First video in print live (Twitter Feed) magazine insert
- 2013
- First video in print magazine insert with Wi-Fi hotspot and
- First video slate training manual
- 2014
- First video in print live mobile mailer
- First in-store video blade
- 2015
- First in-store digital product selector
- First speech recognition in print
- 2016
- First “Video Lock” patent
- 2017
- First video blade patent
- 2018
- First video micro shelf talker patent
- 2019
- First live “Order Now” button
- 2020
- Largest Hypervsn Display Installation
- 2021
- First Interactive Customized App Deployment
- 2023
- First IOT Harry Potter Wand Interactive Retail Package
- 2024
- First Live Broadcast Proto Demonstration from Trade Show Floor